October 30, 2007

Counterpoint: Al Harris is not an asshole

Just kidding! Did you see his attempt to tackle Selvin Young in the fourth quarter? The refs called holding on the receiver, possibly because they feel bad for that ninny, but more likely because they, like the viewers, couldn't believe that Harris could have made such a poor attempt if he wasn't held. If the Packers want tackles like that, I just want to say that I'm available, and I only want, like, $100,000 a year. Dump this motherfucker already.

Also, Brett Favre is an All-American hero whose touchdown passes impregnate all women within a three mile radius. Take that, female Broncos fans!

1 comment:

John said...

Female Colorado female fans only bought tickets in hopes their progeny's future arm will be able to get a boston batter out