February 4, 2008

Bob Knight...okay

So apparently Bob Knight is retired. As of now.
"I didn't know, I've never really known when I was going to step down from this job. As I thought about it, my first thought was at the end of this season," Knight told the Lubbock paper. "My thinking was .. the best thing for the long run for this team would be for Pat and his staff to coach these remaining 10 games."
His statement on the matter is strangely ambiguous, especially considering he's, you know, Bob Knight. Although he didn't really have a reason to imply that journalists are mentally disabled, which is more in his wheelhouse. However, the real question here is why Knight chose to retire now instead of at the end of this or last season. His son, who is slated to become head coach, claims Knight is 'tired.' Wow, really, Pat Knight? Doing one of the most demanding jobs in the world is tiring for 67 year old man? You should be a doctor!

We'll probably never know why Bob Knight chose to retire now, because that would mean we understand how his mind works. Clearly, this will never happen since Knight spent 29 years in Indiana. Scientists still haven't figured out what that kind of proximity to constant boredom does to people, but it normally has effects like this:

Oh, wait. That's rabies. The moral of this story: Bob Knight is crazy.

Aside: The name of the newspaper in Lubbock, Texas is the Avalanche-Journal. This name is both baffling and pretty friggin' cool. We should start naming other cities' newspapers after natural disasters too.

1 comment:

John said...

The Madison Volcano-Gazette
The St. Louis Tsunami-Dispatch
San Francisco Earthquake-Chronicle (too soon?)