July 16, 2007

Wow, people are really that dumb

I have actually lost respect for deadspin.com after reading this terrible excuse for content they linked to.  apparently some guy who writes for "ontheshow" took it upon himself to glance at a Brewer's lineup and decide he knows more than anyone who actually "watches" baseball games.  His site does contain a disclaimer, "No research will be done in the making of anything . . . this is for humor purposes only" unfortunately he forgot to include jokes in his post, unless we were supposed to understand that his logical train was, in fact, a joke in its self.  At least some of my Brewer's fans out there got on him in the comments.  It just reminds me how much up hill fighting we in the midwest have to do to get any respect from the coast dwellers.  These guys are as bad as the ESPN the devoutly hate.  Do your best to have fun out there.

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